Festival of Motoring Johannesburg, look out for Bright tyre wheel service automotive equipment
Bright Tyre Service Equipment is European designed and engineered in Italy.
Our tyre changers and wheel balancers are designed to be quality products that are efficient and reliable for your car, truck, bus or light commercial vehicle workshop.
Bright Equipment has formed a joint venture with Corghi.
Bright is a brand that is part of of the NEXION Group.
Bright Leverless Tyre Changer
Leverless tyre changers revolutionize the tyre-changing process with innovative technology that eliminates the need for manual tools like tyre irons. They efficiently demount and mount
MC28 Mobile Tyre Service
Why have a physical shop, when you can have a mobile shop? Don’t wait for business to come to your doors, travel and make money
Bright Truck wheel balancer with wheel lift
The Bright BP460b is based on long-established electronic parts. The machine is primarily designed for automatic balancing of large freight wheels, but by its design
Bright LC810G Tyre Changers
The ideal machine for a small workshop or service station. The BP810 is a semiautomatic tyre machine equipped with a sideways rotating mounting arm, allowing
Bright BP890S Semi Auto Tyre Changer with Help Arm
This semi automatic tyre changer with swing arm and helper arm is a medium duty, air-electric tyre changer for car and light commercial wheels with
Bright BP887N Fully Automatic Passenger Car Tilt Back Tyre Changer for 10”-24” Wheels
Fully-automatic tyre changer is suitable for handling 13”-26” wheels. It can mount and demount tyres from passenger to LDV vehicles. It is especially suitable for
IM Winners XTC428 Manual Tyre Changer
The XTC428 manual tyre changer is the ideal machine to change both motorcycle and passenger tyres. Ideal for the home enthusiast looking to change tyres
Bright Vertical Truck Tyre Changer
The Bright BP585 tyre changer is a heavy duty, electro-hydraulic tyre changer, used to mount and demount drop center, tubeless rims of truck and bus
Bright LC590D Truck OTR Tyre Changer
The tyre changer is used to mount and demount truck, agriculture and industrial tyres. The tool head rotates 360 degrees and is equipped with a
Bright AL320 Helper arm for tyre changer
Helper arm to assist in mounting low profile or run flat tyres, reduces fatigue and allows the operator to work very efficiently with minimal effort.
Bright BP3010 With Laser Wheel Balancers
Italy’s best operating system software with accurate resolution. Low power and energy saving motor to save extra costs. The perfect machine for small workshops or
Bright CB75 Passenger Wheel Balancer
The BP75 Balancer is equipped with a keyboard and LCD display with graphical display of functions and activities and Italian software with simple controls. The
IM Winners XTB820 Hand spun passenger wheel balancer
Small and compact, it is an electronic balancing machine with microprocessor designed for balancing wheels weighting up to 65kg. The XTB820 wheel balancer is the
IM Winners B-C-M-04000 Motorcycle adapter
Motorcycle adapter for the LC810 tyre changer. Motorcycle Adapters for Tyre Changer are used on top of the original clamping jaws to raise the height
Bright BP46 Truck Wheel Balancer
The BP46 is based on long-established electronic parts. The machine is primarily designed for automatic balancing of large freight wheels, but by its design and
IM Winners XTB1200 Hand Spun Truck Wheel Balancers
The XTB1200B is a universal hand spin wheel balancer for car, truck and bus wheels, particularly suitable for mobile service. The shaft height is adjustable
IM Winners SD12B Static Bike Wheel Balancer
The SD12B has been the choice of motorcycle technicians for over twenty years, why? Because its the best! With four precision metal shielded bearings and
IM Winners B-6009061 Motorcycle adapter
Motorcycle Adapter – Standard Adapter Kit w/Tyre Clamp 14MM & Larger. Clamp tyre size capacity 14.5” – 32” Click to see more Bright Wheel Balancers